Why love Lucia?

I am the youngest daughter of a tenacious Southern-fried mother who turns 95 on April 24, 2009. She has dementia, but she still is very social, happy and funny. She recognizes all of her kids and most of her grandkids, great grandkids and great-great grandkids.

Being her “baby daughter,” I have always been very close to my mom. We have had plenty of fights — some of them doozies — but we’ve always kissed and made up. She has always been my rock. She could comfort me and get me back up on my feet when no one else could. She was my security blanket.

In late 2000, I began to see what I thought might be signs of dementia. I was a staff writer for WebRN (Web MD’s nursing portal) at the time and had written a number of articles about clinical studies on dementia screening and treatment. I noticed that she was not able to tell me with certainty when she had taken what medicines or paid which bills. She had started asking me to write out her checks. And food was rotting in her refrigerator.

I kept an eye on her and helped any way I could without inciting her “I don’t need any help!” response.

She was 86.

Not long after her 87th birthday, I called her doctor and asked him to do a dementia screening at her next appointment. He told her it was a routine memory test.

After it was over, she asked him, “How did I do?”

He grinned and told her, “You flunked.”

She wagged her finger at him and said, “I could have told you that.”

Any of us could have. Her short-term memory has always been terrible. All of us kids always teased her mercilessly about it. So when she really did start developing a cognitive impairment, it was easy to miss. Or deny.

I moved in with her to “help out a little bit” in July 2001. In time, caring for Lucia became a full-time job. Then it became more than one person could handle. At the end of 2004, an angel named Loluhama Tuakalau — her friends and family call her Sena — moved in with us and became Lucia’s closest and most trusted companion. We all lived together until mid-2007.

Now I am back in my own place again and Lucia lives in the Masonic Family Home in Hayward. She loves it there and gets excellent care. She especially loves sitting on the “porch” next to the solarium. The nurses and caregivers all call her “Grandma.” She has visitors there more days than not. We — her kids — visit often. I see her at least a couple of times a week. And she always seems to say something funny or profound or crude or worth noting for some reason.

That’s why I am writing this, to get it all down before I too forget.

Yes, I love Lucia.

2 Responses to “Why love Lucia?”

  1. Patty Brite-Kline March 31, 2009 at 9:01 am #

    My goodness, our Little Lucia Barrett is almost 95. Well, as the “honorary daughter” of Lucy, I grew up across the street from Lucy. The memories of Lucy coming across the street for a cup of coffee, or yelling for me and my Mom to come a get a hot cup of coffee are just a few of the wonderful memories of growing up on Via del Sol. How many times our wheel barrels moved across the street, over the years transporting plants to one anothers yards are just too many to count.

    And the Lucy-isms…the best being, “just a useless as tits on a boar.” Still give me a giggle to this day.

    Lucy may be almost 95, but her spirit and hard work ethic will never be out done by anyone. When they made Lucia, they through away the mold because you just can’t duplicate that kind of perfection.

    I love you Lucy Barrett. If if you don’t remember me.

    Patty Brite-Kline

  2. ASENA, SATEKI && ASENA JR April 7, 2009 at 7:29 pm #

    My dear Lucia will always be in my heart no matter how far apart we are, I learned as I worked for her that there is more to being a care giver then just making money. I loved her as much as she’s my own grandmama, her jokes will always live on in me and my family we have come to know her so much and every little jokes she use to throw at us still put a laugh and smile in our face. Every time I see a stop sign I remember her it’s so funny I wish I could put it in a very specific way that everyoen is reading this will understand why?? you will have a good laugh as well..lol..when ever I see the name Anticoh I laugh and said to myself or who ever is with me @ the time “ANI_OUCH”..lol..that’s how Lucia call it, and it’s from a joke she used to teased her deaf mute sister with..(correct me if Im wrong Liz). Lucia we love you more then nobel words can express, we have so many good memories of your loving and smiling face we will never forget you. Liz thank you for making this page for your mom so us friends and family can come here and share lovely memories and thoughts of her. Kisses and hugs from all of us to you my dear Lucia Barrett, Liz we will confirm with you a time to go visit her so she can meet our gorgeous daughter Asena Jr Finau. Thank you Liz for giving us the opportunity to meet again as family and share so many good things on here love you and take care have a blessed week and “HAPPy EASTER” to you Lucia from me your long time boyfriend Teki..lol..and your new grandbaby Asena Jr..GOD BLESS..


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