Archive | June, 2010

Coffee country is a wonderful country.

15 Jun

Lucia moved to the Masonic Home for Adults in Union City a few weeks ago and she told me today that she loves it there.

“It’s just like home.”

The food is great (I know, I eat there with her a lot), her room is lovely, the nurses and caregivers love her — and she gets all the coffee she wants, all day long. It’s coffee country. And today she told me it’s a wonderful country.

We were concerned that she might not respond well to the more hospital-ish setting, but every time I see her she seems to be doing great. Her mentation level seemed really good. She asked me how my new job is going and told me that she completely understands that I haven’t been able to see her as much as I’d like due to a heavy work schedule.

You don’t need to worry about it. All those years Bruce worked so much, I was by myself a lot of the time, so I know how to make the best of it.

What a gal. I only hope and pray that I am as grateful and well-adjusted as she is if I am lucky enough to make it to 96 years old. (She looks great, doesn’t she?)