Archive | November, 2009

We got it made.

4 Nov

lucia-starbucks-110409-b-picnikIt had been more than two weeks since I had seen Mom when I visited her today. (I had bronchitis and didn’t dare bring the germs to her.) So when I walked into her home today, she skipped the formality of saying hello and went straight to, “I love you so much!”

How could you have anything other than a fantastic visit when it starts like that?

I had brought her a gift of an artisan-made coffee mug, so naturally we had to go test it out at Starbucks. Lucia was in top form—positive attitude, high-level mentation, happy, calm and just enjoying life.

We ordered our coffees and some lemon pound cake, then sat down at a sunny table. Lucia took a sip of coffee and then looked up at me and said:

We got it made!

As she continued to enjoy her cake and coffee, we chatted about my new job and the beautiful weather, but her mind was focused on the moment. She loves Starbucks. She said:

People just don’t know how fortunate they are to have a wonderful place like this to come and enjoy a good cup of coffee whenever they want to.

She’s right you know. It feels great to remember how lucky we are. To have my mother still alive at 95, to have time to spend with her, to have a job that allows me to set my own schedule, to have enough money to pay for the coffee, to have a reliable car with gas in the tank, to live where the weather is great . . .  oh yeah, we’ve definitely got it made.