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Great cuppa coffee

23 Apr

Lucia was in top form today when we went to Denny’s. She read a tagline on the placemat and felt it was profoundly true, if not written specifically for her. She read it out loud to me as though she were reading the Bible:

The world looks better through a great cup of coffee.

Then she shared one of her favorite things in life:

The best thing in life is, when you’re hungry, right when they first bring your food and set it on the table, because you know you’re going to get to eat it.

We all know how much Lucia loves to eat. It’s one of the most sensual, delightful things about spending time with her. Today she expounded:

When you eat a grilled cheese sandwich and  French fries, it tells a story all over your body.

I asked the logical question: What does it say? She told me:

It says, ‘Don’t be bitchin’. That was a good sandwich.’

She was full of good ones today. At one point she got a faraway look in her eye, just for a moment, then she snapped back and said:

Sometimes my mind runs away from me, but I grabbed a hold of it.

She explained that she didn’t know where she was for a moment, then she looked out the window and saw all the cars in the parking lot and she remembered we were at Denny’s. I love it when her metacognitive awareness is at a high level like that and she is able to tell me how her mind is working. I can’t imagine what dementia feels like from her side of the fence, but occasionally she is able to give me a peek. When she does, I am in awe of her courage and grace.